Salzburg is Lonely Planet's top city to visit in 2020

Explore the Hightlights of Salzburg in 48 hours!
The annual bestseller „Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel“ ranks the must-visit countries, regions, cities and destinations for 2020. Drawing on the knowledge and passion on Lonely Planet’s staff, authors and online communiy, they presented SALZBURG as the top city to visit in 2020, followed by Wahsington D.C., Cairo, Galway and Bonn.
This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the prewar home of the Trapp family who inspired „The Sound of Music“. But these are not the only reasons why the Mozart city is in first place. They mention the centennial anniversary of the Salzburg Festival in 2020 as another reason.
For further information on the rating of the top 10 cities of Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2020 rating: